Growing Cells

Growing cells can be done via two variants:

  • std.grow { cellsFrom = "..."; /* ... */ }
  • std.growOn { cellsFrom = "..."; /* ... */ } # soil

std.growOn {} # soil

This eases talking and reasoning about a stdized repository, that also needs some sort of adapters to work together better with external frameworks.

Typically, you'd arrange those adapters in numbered layers of soil, just so that it's easier to conceptually reference them when talking / chatting.

It's a variadic function and takes an unlimited number of "soil layers".

  inputs.std.url = "github:divnix/std";

  outputs = {std, ...} @ inputs:
    std.growOn {
      inherit inputs;
      cellsFrom = ./cells;
    # soil
    () # first layer
    () # second layer
    () # ... nth layer

These layers get recursively merged onto the output of std.grow.